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1SR231  Giuseppe  -  Italy     ( Country score: 289

  276AT/0 Tuvalu Islands 
Direct QSL - 10/01/2016 - Posted by 1SR231
Tnx Tim

  40LR/0 Lietchtenstein 
Direct QSL - 13/11/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Tnx Dino for direct postcard from Vaduz

  135AT/0 Solomon Islands 
Direct QSL - 06/04/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
MR:Tim from Solomon is. Thanks!!!

  239/43AT415 Laos 
Direct QSL - 03/04/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Mr: Tony thanks for nice card!!!

  246RC/0 Sao Tomè & Principe Isl 
Direct QSL - 03/04/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Direct card from Dom. who activated 246RC/0 Thanks

  346QH033 St. Barthelemy Is. 
Direct QSL - 07/03/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Mr: Frederic from ST.Barhelemy Is. Tnx for direct card

  57TFC437 India 
Direct QSL - 22/02/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Tnx Stuart for direct qsl card

  164AT340 Togo Republic 
Direct QSL - 02/02/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Mr.Marc from Lome Tnx for nice direct card

  217DA/0 Christmas Island 
Direct QSL - 07/01/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Tnx Darran and Peter for nice postcard

  180RC/0 Oman 
Direct QSL - 05/01/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Tnx Sal for direct postcard

  52AT/DX Faroer Islands 
Direct QSL - 03/01/2015 - Posted by 1SR231
Thanks Artur for nice direct postcard

  250LR/0 Cook Islands 
Direct QSL - 26/11/2014 - Posted by 1SR231
MR:Giovanni from Rarotonga tnx for nice direct postcard

  83/13SD013 Tanzania 
Direct QSL - 02/11/2014 - Posted by 1SR231
Thanks Martin for nice postcard from Zanzibar island

  101LR0 Papua New Guinea 
Direct QSL - 15/10/2014 - Posted by 1SR231
tnx Giovanni for nice direct postcard

  152/30AT019 Maldive Islands 
Direct QSL - 05/09/2014 - Posted by 1SR231

  113MB190 West Malaysia 
Direct QSL - 15/06/2014 - Posted by 1SR231
Thanks Arie for nice qsl card

  99DA/OC121 Fiji Islands 
Direct QSL - 16/04/2014 - Posted by 1SR231


Top 10 publishers   Top 10 Score
1SR231 Giuseppe
153AT777 Jan
19RD068 Ron
1AT074 Max
1AT746 Alex
4AT134 Gabriel
30AT120 Sergio
1AT070 Simon
4AT242 Martin
9FB007 Scott
  1AT519 Giuseppe
  19AT027 Frits
  13OT001 Mario
  14AT119 Guy
  3DX013 Bruno
  1EK156 Mauro
  14AT263 Bruno
  19AT256 Twan
  30DX401 Christian
  14AP001 Nicolas

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  295ZF1 Southern Sudan
Deleted Countries - 23/05/1990

  285AT/0 Fernando De Noronha Isla
DX Proof - 20/10/2019

  237AT-0 Union Of Myanmar
Direct QSL - 14/09/2000

  252AT0 Revillagigedo Islands
DX Proof - 06/03/2000

  238ATDX Cambodia
Direct QSL - 22/01/2001

  251/1AT217 Albania
Direct QSL - 02/08/2018

  251/1AT217 Albania
DX Proof - 01/08/2018

  352AT/0 Kosovo
Direct QSL - 26/05/2018

  352AT0 Kosovo
DX Proof - 26/05/2018

  337AT/0 Austral islands
Direct QSL - 23/09/2013

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