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  307RR/M Kaliningrad 
Fake? - 04/03/2014 - Posted by 1ST001
form me is big fake Mr Kim the zip code not is for Kaliningrad bat kazahk Thi is my qsl ...

  189RI/0 Mayotte Island 
Fake? - 07/03/2011 - Posted by 4SD032
189RI/0 by 173RI101. The RI HQ never receive proof of this activation .They assume that ...

  101PIG000 Papua New Guinea 
Fake? - 02/02/2002 - Posted by 15IR106
Maybe Fake Station from 43 Division

  192CI/0 Cocos Islands 
Fake? - 10/03/1999 - Posted by Dxproof
Never seen proofs. Any info about ?

  221SR/0 South Orkney Islands 
Fake? - 23/12/1998 - Posted by 19AT256
most likely fake operation from Argentina

  129LS100 Macquarie Islands 
Fake? - 13/10/1998 - Posted by Dxproof
Never seen proofs. Any info about ? Read more info:

  318SD/0 Survey Military Of Malta 
Fake? - 02/08/1998 - Posted by Dxproof
Never seen proofs. Any info about ?

  231KK101 St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks 
Fake? - 23/03/1998 - Posted by 19AT256

  182/1GIR009 Republic Of Guinea 
Fake? - 01/01/1998 - Posted by 14SD718
Rumors say he was a fisherman and only active as /MM. But that's just rumours, not facts. ...

  234ET000 Afghanistan 
Fake? - 01/01/1998 - Posted by 14SD718
Fake operation (154ET000, 234ET000 op. Hassan) from Tbilisi, Georgia in 1998/1999 by ...

  231KK101 St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks 
Fake? - 17/11/1997 - Posted by 4AT134
Fake station from Sao Paulo city

  221IR0 South Orkney Islands 
Fake? - 14/10/1997 - Posted by 14SD718
Fake operation from Antarctica by EM1KA - VP8CTR. Check out on http://www.dxdb.com/dxspots/14.10.1997.html

  319IR0 United Nations New York 
Fake? - 01/01/1997 - Posted by 14SD718
Fake operation from NY by 2IR123 (3W3RR) in 1997.

  335DX3 Scarborough Reef 
Fake? - 26/07/1996 - Posted by 19AT256
335DX3 QSL

  341MU102 Timor East 
Fake? - 02/06/1996 - Posted by Dxproof
Seems to be a fake. The operator was transmitting from Gozo, Malta (93)

  341MU102 Timor East 
Fake? - 02/06/1996 - Posted by 14AT355

  297VE001 Bouvet Island 
Fake? - 23/08/1995 - Posted by Dxproof
Seems to be a fake. Many operators say that it is very doubtful. There are no proofs. ...


Top 10 publishers   Top 10 Score
1SR231 Giuseppe
153AT777 Jan
19RD068 Ron
1AT074 Max
1AT746 Alex
4AT134 Gabriel
30AT120 Sergio
1AT070 Simon
4AT242 Martin
9FB007 Scott
  1AT519 Giuseppe
  19AT027 Frits
  13OT001 Mario
  14AT119 Guy
  3DX013 Bruno
  1EK156 Mauro
  14AT263 Bruno
  19AT256 Twan
  30DX401 Christian
  14AP001 Nicolas

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  295ZF1 Southern Sudan
Deleted Countries - 23/05/1990

  285AT/0 Fernando De Noronha Isla
DX Proof - 20/10/2019

  237AT-0 Union Of Myanmar
Direct QSL - 14/09/2000

  252AT0 Revillagigedo Islands
DX Proof - 06/03/2000

  238ATDX Cambodia
Direct QSL - 22/01/2001

  251/1AT217 Albania
Direct QSL - 02/08/2018

  251/1AT217 Albania
DX Proof - 01/08/2018

  352AT/0 Kosovo
Direct QSL - 26/05/2018

  352AT0 Kosovo
DX Proof - 26/05/2018

  337AT/0 Austral islands
Direct QSL - 23/09/2013

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